Sorry for the lapse in posts a couple of weeks back. I was actually in the midst of a whirlwind romance with a new guy. It was two weeks of seeing each other constantly, with the first week seeing each other every few days and the second week basically never getting out of bed except to eat and run errands. We eventually decided to just be friends, but it was a heck of an experience, let me tell you. ;)
Sometimes it's best to pull back from romantic involvements for a bit. I think that dating is an important part of the single woman's life, but some of us go about it in a really unhealthy manner. I've met a lot of women who are dating for all the wrong reasons, and, frankly, it's a little scary. Some women insist on only dating men who are really attractive physically, with all of the difficulties and complications that ensue. Some women are adamant about only dating from a particular racial group for really dysfunctional reasons. Some women are attracted to the wrong type of men - men who are arrogant, or cold, or insensitive.
I wonder sometimes if our culture has done my generation a real disservice when it comes to the dating and relationships game. We've been weaned on cultural models and mores which are totally unrealistic. Growing up idolizing models and movie stars, with TV shows and movies that promote values which are antithetical to healthy ideals, it's no wonder that we all want to marry actors and models who look a certain way, and that some of us want to marry James Dean or George Clooney. We all have different ideals, of course. But I see a lot of finickiness and unrealistic dating practices in my social circles, and it worries me.
It worries me a lot. I basically worry that it's a recipe for unhappiness. When one is fixated on superficial qualities, whether they be looks, profession, wealth, or even demeanor, it makes finding a Mr. Right that much harder. I know, easier said than done. But I know that, if I commit to working towards making myself a better person and trying to live my best life and be my best self, it will become natural for me to want the best for myself. And the best is a healthy and joyous partnership and a commitment that will stand the test of time.
At the end of the day, when I am truly my best self-loving self, I'll be so fulfilled and satisfied that I simply won't settle for less. And, at this point in time, I'd rather work towards building the career, friends, hobbies, passions, and fun times that will make that happen. I'll stumble at times, and probably get involved in some unhealthy short-term relationships. But at the end, love will triumph.
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